Sunday, June 11, 2006

Department Dinner - 2nd June

Our company would be merging with another rival company, and LM would not be leading our team anymore (she got promoted). So she suggested a lunch/dinner via email on Tuesday. It was quiet on the email front (for a small intern like me) until on Thursday when we approached her to ask her to write the testimonial for us, and tell her we would be interested to go for the lunch/dinner, then we knew the the meal has already been set for Friday lunch .. We would be having lessons at PKU ... of coz we couldn't make it. Was a little upset that we were left out of the loop ..

But then there came a miracle! It was changed to a dinner on Friday! For us! Soooo happpy!!!

It was a very fun night with lots of food and drinks. LM was allergic to alcohol but she 破例 and toasted to us all. I think the drinks were helpful in getting everybody high. And it was quite a sight to see all the ladies so 'on' about drinking and not 'act 矜持' like their sg counterparts. Sigh ... pity most of them are already attached or married liaoz ...

There were lots of jokes around and we were let off from telling a 色情 experience because we were 'too young' hehe. Well ... there was nothing 色情 but it was all 初恋s and 恋爱 experiences etc etc haha It was pretty funny.


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