Some pictures.
Time to upload some pictures liaoz. Somewhat arranged in reverse chronological order. Most of them are my 'work'. Only a few are not taken by me and they are those with myself inside =P Still got somemore ... upload them at a later date.大观园.
Beijing have no lack of artists of all sorts of talents. This old man is practising water calligraphy, writing with both hands together, mirror image of each other. 大观园.
光天化日下,筑起四方城. 不必像我们一定要在夜深人静时才能玩. 北京胡同.
Staff making excellent use of break time, with no 顾及 of how others may see her. 鼓楼.
Choir practicing revolutionary songs. 天坛.
Water calligraphy of Chairman Mao's poem on the floor. 北海公园.
Artist 陶醉 in his own pursuit of excellence. 北海公园.
It's about self fulfillment, not about the audience, right? 北海公园.
The monster is here to change the face, and the fate, of the very things that made Beijing special. 胡同, in front of 鼓楼.
A dance troupe musicians, providing music accompaniment for a folk dance. 鼓楼.
Old man selling malt candy handicraft. 烟斗斜街, 后海.
Old man by the 'Window'. 烟斗斜街, 后海.
Old man's hand, moving the pieces, orchestrating the defeat of Alex and me. 后海.
小美 and me. 清华大学.
Chinese Culture module lecturer, Prof Liu, and the SHDers. 一教,104室,北京大学.
Cheryl and me (posing, of coz). 圆明园.
Me in front of arch to 清华大学.
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