Tuesday, April 25, 2006

25th April

Sometimes I do run out of idea how I should name my posts.
Maybe because the collective stuff I want to say, is too short to be a independent post on its own, and too unrelated to be grouped as one.

Let's start from work bah.
Work is ... constantly having new challenges. And I'm pretty glad to be out of the gloomy shadows of being cast as a stupid intern. At least my immediate mentor thinks I am working faster than she expected and is pretty impressed. I still turn up at work on time, finishing my lunch on time almost daily, and leaving office on time, most of the time. I am happy working at where I am now, although I have to increasingly independent, the colleagues I should turn to are always busy. My colleagues are quite a good lot; the ladies are attractive and get along well with each other. The guys are also quite nice although they tend to be more quiet and 'dao'. Feng Huan bought us strawberries and other fruits while Luo Ling bought all of us ice cream when it got really warm inside the office. Xiang Xin was uber helpful, if not my work progress would still be 2 weeks behind. I just find it difficult to communicate with the higher levels, but well, I don't need to do so often anyway.

And we celebrated Guomao's birthday.

And we played badminton with Vietnamese and Laotians in 北大 last Sunday, just a friendly game organised by the SSA.

I have been feeling so 压抑 again. And I am getting sick of my limited wardrobe haaha, I even thought of going clothes shopping (omg).

I am also listening too much Mayday that it starts to freak me out haa. I listen to them at work and at home when I come back from office.

And 我想念, , 你, 你们 and 你们.

And I feeling lousy about my capabilities to take good pictures. It doesn't help that people keep thinking that I must be a good photog since I own such a 'good' cam. Thing is, my cam is not as advanced as the digicams that everybody own over here, and I've barely started out. I'm making do with cheap lens, struggling without in-cam adjustments, and my post editing skills are limited to auto-correction with Photoshop.

And today at work, it struck me to think of this;
Is it better to 嘴硬心软 or 心硬嘴软?
Both are ... somewhat 表里不一 ... And 23 years later, I can't generalise, less decide, if I am 嘴硬心软 or 心硬嘴软. I just know, I prefer to give people just-one-more-chance, and usually they take it.


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