38 妇女节
38 妇女节 is more than a lip-service in China.There's actually a stipulated half-day holiday for all women. Despite the fact that I am not a member of the fairer sex, I thought I would stand to benefit from it; my dept manager and my 2 mentors are all female! But circumstances turned out otherwise, they all had something very important to finish, while all the other women in the rest of the company all left after lunch. So busy, I didn't dare to ask them why they are not going off.
Somemore, I hadn't much luck when it comes to asking for advises from them. It seemed to highlight to them my ignorance (maybe not to Luo Ling), and my capabilities in understanding something so basic to them.
Sigh, I was thinking of going off at about 3pm, if all 3 of them went off for their half day holiday. I am super cranky for a big part of the day. I also forgot that most of the women already left company by afternoon when I went up to lvl 8 for pantry meeting. Set aside a nice cookie for Tracy (if she pops in for a drink) then I remembered she probably left liaoz. Then I ate it up anyway.
Lattes today: 1
Lipton bags: 1
-1C to 10C
(I'm pretty sure it was something like 27C or 28C in the office, it is really very stuffy and hot.)
hee hee.. i like your kind of humour... silly but very cute still..
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