Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Ly and his icy-muddy shoes. Remember why we left 颐和园 early?

While it snowed lightly and intermittenly for most of yesterday, it suddenly turned into a heavy snow storm at about 4pm. We gathered at the window to look at the sudden snow storm that eventually lasted about 20 minutes. They were joking that with the type of sunshine and the magnitude of the snow, there must be some sort of 冤情 some where. Luo Ling said that there must have been that on payday (which is today, on the last day of every month, everywhere in China), somebody must have worked his ass for the whole month, and yet the boss never pay him a single cent.

Somehow, snowing is not as romantic as many would think. It is freezing, it makes the floor slippery, and when the snow melts, it gets disgustingly murky. Quite a sight to behold, not a condition you want to live with everyday.

Freakshow. He can perform sweating for you in the snow.

Share with you guys some snippets of conversation art pieces from Alex.

Snippet #1
Context: The girls broke their key in their home's keyhole, hence requiring the services of the locksmith. So Alex called the locksmith.

Followed by some conversations that we don't include, coz they dun matter.

Locksmith: “那你们住家在那里?”
That was our first day in Beijing, obviously not very oriented yet.

Alex:“er ... 圆明园”
Locksmith over the phone:" ??! "
The rest of us: " ! !! "

Snippet #2

Context: Alex and I commenced on our Operation Pineapple Tart (codenamed O.P) to remind our colleagues of our prescence, as well as to bring our relations closer.

Our dept manager:“这个是什么来的?”
Stammering Alex:“凤凰酥”
Dept manager:“??”

Temperature today:
Forgot to check.

Lattes today: 2, again.

Lipton tea bags: 2.

Just a sidenote: 圆明园was burned down eons ago by the invading 八国联军. It was never rebuilt but instead left 'as is', a 'live' historical site for educating the future generations.


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